
Artificial Superintelligence

Be Developed?

152 voters

Near Zero Error Rate

The word "human error" was born as from time to time people make errors. However, machines do not make these errors as long as they are correctly programmed. With AI, decisions are made using a certain set of algorithms from previous knowledge. So mistakes are minimized and the probability of achieving accuracy with a greater degree of precision is a possibility.

Example: The majority of human errors have been reduced in weather forecasting using AI.

128 likes 89 comments

Autonomous Weapons

AI can be programmed to do something dangerous. Just like how autonomous weapons are programmed to kill, AI can pose risks. It might even be possible that the nuclear arms race will be replaced with an autonomous weapons race. Quoted from Russia’s president Vladimir Putin: “Artificial intelligence is the future, not only for Russia, but for all humankind. It comes with enormous opportunities, but also threats that are difficult to predict. Whoever becomes the leader in this sphere will become the ruler of the world.”

Not only can we be concerned from the fact that autonomous weapons might have a “mind of their own,” a more imminent worry is the dangers autonomous weapons might have with an individual that doesn’t value human life. 

152 likes 92 comments

Highly Accurate Prediction

Learning (including machine learning) is about using the past to predict the future. Having enough data and analytic systems enables us to make fairly accurate predictions.

Predicting will naturally become extremely advanced and on point. AI might even be capable of predicting human behaviour – who will start dating or get divorced. This will also enable us to predict potential failures and disasters, enabling us to prepare or change the course of consequence.

102 likes 80 comments

Social Manipulation

AI has been very effective at target marketing in Social media through its autonomous-powered algorithms. They know who we are, what are the things we like and are extremely good at guessing what we think. Thus it is capable of swaying people's opinion; just like the investigations are still on going to determine the fault of Cambridge Analytica and others associated with the firm who used user data from Facebook to try to sway the outcome of the 2016 U.S. presidential election and the U.K.'s Brexit referendum. If the accusations are correct, these shows that AI's has the power to socially manipulate people. It is possible to spread propaganda to people identified through algorithms and personal data, AI can target them and spread whatever information they like.

123 likes 90 comments

Available 24/7

Excluding breaks, an Average human will work for 4–6 hours a day. People are built in a way that they need to get some time out for refreshing themselves and prepare for a new day of work. People even have weekly offed to have a work-life balance. But AI will be able to work 24/7 without any breaks and will not even get bored, unlike humans.

93 likes 82 comments

Invasion of Privacy

It is now possible to track and analyze a person's every move online as well as offline. Cameras are everywhere, and facial recognition algorithms can identify you. This is actually the type of information that is going to help China's social credit system. Making decisions based on that intel, it is not only an invasion of privacy but can also become social oppression.
103 likes 83 comments

Takes Risks Instead of Human

We can overcome many risky limitations of humans by developing an AI Robot which in turn can do the risky things for us. This is one of the biggest advantages of AI.
Let it be going to mars, exploring the deepest parts of oceans, defuse a bomb, mining for coal and oil, it can be used effectively in any kind of natural or man-made disasters.

Artificial Intelligence Robots can be used in situations where intervention can be hazardous.

57 likes 48 comments

Ethical Misalignment

Part of what humans value in AI is their efficiency and effectiveness. However, it can be dangerous if the machine does not have the same goals as we have. For example, an instruction to “Get me to the airport as quickly as possible” might have horrible consequences. Without specifying the value of human life, a machine could quite effectively get you to the airport as quickly as possible but leave behind a trail of accidents.

87 likes 53 comments

Faster Decisions

Using AI alongside other technologies enables them to make decisions and carry out the actions quicker. People will usually analyze many factors both emotionally and practically before making a decision. However, AI works on what it is programmed and delivers the results in a faster way.

Humans may have evolved greatly in terms of technology. However, we still allow our emotions to take over when it comes to decision making. In some situations, it may be important to take quick, efficient and logical decisions without letting our emotions sway us. AI powered decision making will have no scope for emotional decision making, ensuring efficiency and increases productivity. 

49 likes 39 comments


It’s very possible for AI to use information against you based on what they have collected. It’s not hard to imagine insurance companies telling you that you are not insurable based on the number of faults you have done. 

Any powerful tool can be misused, even AI. AI has been used for many good causes including to help us find new ways to cure cancer, make better medical diagnoses, make our cars safer. However, it can also be used for dangerous or malicious purposes as its capabilities continues to grow. Since AI technology is advancing rapidly, it is important for us to start to discuss the best ways for AI to develop positively while minimizing its destructive potential.

68 likes 42 comments

Your Conclusion

The first question is who is responsible for AI, and how are they planning to use it? All signs point to their own agenda being beneficial. So why would this be allowed to happen by ordinary people who live a simple life? Shouldn't they. It's not in the interest of them. In spite of all the marketing propoganda that makes them believe it is. Taking humans into account and the fact that not all humans are created equal. Some are very empathic, some are somewhere in between, and others are psychopaths (dangerous). We can assume that there is, and always will be, a battle between good and bad. Unfortunately, in deception and manipulating those in between, the psychopaths are outstanding. And anything will be done to manipulate and coerce others into submission. They usually get to the top and that is indicated by occupations such as CEO, police officer, and surgeon. So what makes us so naively think that our best interests will be in the minds of those at the top? Usually they won't. Something to think about.


Anonymous . Jan 2                        

#No #Discrimination #SocialManipulation
150 likes 528 comments

Well. It will end up being a watered down version of whatever future we can predict. That is the way it has been for a couple of centuries.
I can only imagine our leaders knowing a great deal more than we do. Why else would we fire head on to create instruments that would literally replace the US? I assume nukes are also illogical, but their advantage is largely based on fear.
AI is much more dependent on greed than nukes are. That makes one think that greed is going to lead us on a better path than fear. The great paradigm of our time is this evolution. If there were a population that would grow forever, I would say yes. We'd better rethink the road ahead with the Earth topping out at 9 billion around 2055.
They believe that, in growing the economy, AI will replace population growth. If this isn't a preverbial hole for a rabbit, I don't know what it is.


Jessica Brown . Nov 12, 2020

#No #EthicalMisalignment
146 likes 328 comments

Most Recent Comments

Anonymous . 12m

AGI doesn't make any sense. It is an invention of computer scientists who are not concerned about intelligence and intelligence simulation. AI has a proven sense of time and has led to operational engineering: AI reasoning.

Mica Fry . 20h

If an AI simulates human emotions, aren't simulated emotions just always going to be psychopathy without human understanding? How can something so intelligent have empathy for people?
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